Your a fag Could someone post some of those Your a fag pictures up or your gay pictures or even other similar stuff.
BAN HIM!!!! Only kidding of course! I can see why some people would get offended by such things tho so it might not be such a good idea to post the pics.
theres a big difference racism is insulting someones race, homophobia is insulting someones sexuality... sorry I'm bored tired and the boards dead completely agree tho. (altho I probably put up the most offensive pic a year or so ago so its a case of pots n kettles )
I have nothing against gays but i just ing the pictures funny. Someone posted similar things not that long ago and i just wanted some more of those pics.
Like I say, it's no biggy but if they said "you're a nigger" or "you're a paky" it would be out of order would it not? I don't see the diffrence. But I am captain P.C. so just ignore me and I'll shut up eventually.