Lee dude mate pal, i like you fella. i will always have a kind word to say about you mate, always come up to you and talk at Promise. Taken tottally out of context.
i just meant that whenever something "wrong" is said on here - too many people are too quick to be up in arms about it and start full on arguments. wud be much better if stuff was taken with a pinch of salt (or in sum cases a bucket of salt!! ) and not taken so seriously
This is what I was getting at you on Friday Night on the board you cant take a bloody joke. Sometimes u gotta just chill
bri i know how utterly sound you are and everything but you can't back ian up for saying he can pull birds unlike lee. a line was flown over. 'i am not disabled to geordielee's standards, i can get lasses' that is so harsh!