Logical Progression

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by Ness, Jun 23, 2002.

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  1. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    Logical Progression

    Tim and Eddie sitting in a bar. Tim notices a guy sitting in the far corner wearing an armani suit and carrying a laptop computer.

    Tim turns to Eddie, "Wonder what he does for a job."
    "Dunno," says Eddie, "I reckon he's a lawyer."
    "Nah," says Tim, "more of a doctor i think."

    They sit and argue for a while til the bloke goes to the toilet.
    "I'm gonna go ask him." says Tim, and off he goes to the loo.
    "Excuse me sir," says Tim politely, "my friend and I were having a bit of a debate about your occupation. I thought you would be a doctor, however my friend thinks your a lawyer."
    "Actually I'm a Logical Progression Scientist" says the man with an heir of authority.
    "What the hell is that?" asks Tim
    "Well," says the man, "do you have a goldfish?"
    Tim looks puzzled, "err......yes" he says.
    "Well if you've got a goldfish, you would either keep it in a bowl or a pond"
    "I keep it in a pond." says Tim.
    "Well, if you have a pond then you must have a large garden and therefore a considerable house."
    "Yes," says Tim confused, "I've got a 6 bedroom."
    "Well, if you've got a 6 bedroom house then you must have quite a number in family?" the man continues.
    "Yeah, 5 kids." says Tim.
    "Well if you've got 5 kids then you probably make love to your wife on a regular basis."
    Tim looks proud, "At every opportunity bonny lad! Night and day!"
    "Well, if you make love to your wife that often I guess your not one for masturbating?"
    "Can't remember the last time I did!" admits Tim.

    The man looks pleased with himself, "You see? From finding out that you have a goldfish, I was able to deduce that you don't masturbate. That is Logical Progression."
    "AH, right," says Tim, "I get you now."

    Tim returns to the table in the bar.
    "Haway then mate," asks Eddie, "what's he do?"
    "He's a Logical Progression Scientist." replies Tim.
    "And that is.....?" enquires Eddie.
    "Well," says Tim with a thoughtful look, "do you have a goldfish?"

    "Then you're a Fucking Wanker!":D
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  3. El Maracca

    El Maracca Registered User

    Jan 25, 2002
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