Release CORAL - Sky Dancer [SpaceWarp Recs] Out Now!

Discussion in 'Music' started by Psylicious, Jul 5, 2022.

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  1. Psylicious


    Dec 6, 2007
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    UK / USA

    Release Date: 2022-07-05
    Label: SpaceWarp Records
    Catalog: SPARMU003

    Digital Downloads Buy Here: Bandcamp - Beatport - Junodownload

    Be prepared to get your space warped as USA psytrance producer CORAL raises the bar once again, as she reaches for the skies with her newest release “SKY DANCER”, the latest release from SpaceWarp Records.

    “Psychedelic Sessions” peals open the freedom of “Sky Dancer” among its clever use of vox, and swift punchy kick that vortexes throughout the driving bass lines of this trance floor stomper! With a catchy melody and rhythmic pads, “Psychedelic Sessions” is an element of surprise that oozes hidden gems and spine-tingling moments.

    “Sky Dancer” opens your ears into its mysterious tones before unleashing you to the skies with its chunky bass lines and high kick not forgetting the warping groove “Sky Dancer” omits. Padded effects are nicely placed as melodic sparkles shine through giving a spacious feel as you glide through an array of quirky effects.

    “Sky Dancer” is driven by Corals desire for you to dance free into the skies and is encapsulated with a radiating artistic backdrop by Mick Usher, with mastering by Rigel. You know what to expect, until next time….

    Coral Links & Social Media
    Soundcloud - Facebook

    SpaceWarp Records Links & Social Media
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