Yeah its shocking when its about anybody.....but if a jokes funny its funny. My point is people shouldnt get at people because of who its about as its eaquily as funny or harsh regardless. People would get it...... for example.... Q: Which actor does Christopher Reeve most want to be? A: Christopher Walken. Q: Which actor does a man in a wheelchair most want to be? A: Christopher Walken. Im not condoning the jokes it just gets to me that peope think things are shocking just cos someones famous and well known, but they wouldnt care less if it was just a normal person or a generalised thing.
Thats a fair point, but I don't think thats why people were saying what was said. The fact that the guy only died a week ago and already people are exploting it to make jokes is a bit harsh. If he was alive, then although still pretty below the belt, it wouldnt be quite as callous, and people would be more willing to see the funny side of things.