Bart Simpson Chalkboard Lines

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by my monkey, Jul 3, 2002.

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  1. my monkey

    my monkey Registered User

    Jan 26, 2002
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    Currently residing at Tribal Sessions in Sankeys s
    Bart Simpson Chalkboard Lines

    Bart Simpson Chalkboard Lines:

    I will not waste chalk
    I will not skateboard in the halls
    I will not burp in class
    I will not instigate revolution
    I will not draw naked ladies in class
    I did not see Elvis
    I will not call my teacher "Hot Cakes"
    Garlic gum is not funny
    They are laughing at me, not with me
    I will not yell "FIRE" in a crowded classroom
    I will not encourage others to fly
    Tar is not a plaything
    I will not Xerox my butt
    I will not trade pants with others
    I am not a 32 year old woman
    I will not do that thing with my tongue
    I will not drive the principals car
    I will not pledge allegiance to Bart
    I will not sell school property
    I will not cut corners
    I will not get very far with this attitude
    I will not make flatulent noises in class
    I will not belch the National Anthem
    I will not sell land in Florida
    I will not grease the monkey bars
    I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment
    I will not do anything bad ever again
    I will not show off
    I will not sleep through my education
    I am not a dentist
    Spit wads are not free speech
    Nobody likes sunburn slappers
    High explosives and school don't mix
    I will not squeak chalk
    I will finish what I sta
    "Bart Bucks" are not legal tender
    Underwear should be worn on the inside
    The Christmas pageant does not stink
    I will not torment the emotionally frail
    I will not carve goods
    I will not spank others
    I will not aim for the head
    I will not barf unless I'm sick
    I saw nothing unusual in the teachers lounge
    I will not conduct my own fire drills
    Funny noises are not funny
    I will not spin the turtle
    I will not snap bras
    I will not fake seizures
    This punishment is not boring and pointless
    My name is not Dr. Death
    I will not defame New Orleans
    I will not bury the new kid
    I will not teach others to fly
    I will not bring sheep to class
    A burp is not an answer
    Teacher is not a leper
    Coffee is not a drink for kids
    I will not eat things for money
    I will not yell "She's dead" during roll call
    The Principal's toupee is not a Frisbee
    I will not call the principal "Spud Head"
    Goldfish don't bounce
    Mud is not one of the 4 food groups
    No-one is interested in my underpants
    I will not sell miracle cures
    I will return the Seeing Eye dog
    I do not have diplomatic immunity
    I will not charge admission to the bathroom
    I will never win an Emmy
    The cafeteria deep friar is not a toy
    All work and no play makes Bart a dull boy
    I will not say Springfield just to get applause
    I am not authorized to fire substitute teachers
    My homework was not stolen by a one-armed man
    I will not go near the kindergarten turtle
    I am not delightfully saucy
    Organ transplants are best left to the professionals
    The Pledge of Allegiance does not end with "Hail Satan"
    I will not celebrate meaningless milestones
    There are plenty of businesses like show business
    I will not retransmit without the express permission of Major League Baseball
    Five days is not too long to wait for a gun
    Beans are neither fruit nor musical
    I will not use abbrev.
    I am not the reincarnation of Sammy Davis Jr.
    I will not send lard through the mail
    I will not dissect things unless instructed
    I will not whittle hall passes out of soap
    Ralph won't "morph" if you squeeze him hard enough
    Adding "just kidding" doesn't make it OK to insult the Principal
    "Bagman" is not a legitimate career choice
    Cursive writing doesn't mean what I think it does
    Next time it could be me on the scaffolding
    I will not hang donuts on my person
    I will remember to take my medication
    I will not strut around like I own the place
    The good humour man can only be pushed so far
    I do not have the power of attorney over first grader
    Nerve gas is not a toy
    I will not mock Mrs Dumbface
    The first amendment does not cover burping
    This is not a clue...Or is it?
    I will not complain about the solution when I hear it
    "Bewitched" does not promote Satanism
    I am not a lean mean spitting machine
    No-one wants to hear from my armpits
    The boys room is not a water park
    Indian burns are not our cultural heritage
    Wedgies are unhealthy for children and other living things
    I will stop talking about the 12 inch pianist
    I am not certified to remove asbestos
    I did not learn everything I need to know in kindergarten
    The truth is not out there
    I am not licensed to do anything
    I will not hide the teachers Prozac
    A fire drill does not demand a fire
    I no longer want my MTV
    Everyone is tired of that Richard Gere story
    I did not invent Irish dancing
    I will not tease fatty
    There was no Roman God named "Fartacus"
    Rudolph's red nose is not alcohol-related
    Shooting paintballs is not an art form
    Pain is not the cleanser
    Silly string is not a nasal spray
    I was not told to do this
    My butt does not deserve it's own website
    I will not demand what I'm worth
    I am not the new Dalia Lama
    I was not the inspiration for "Kramer"
    I will not file frivolous lawsuits
    Butt.butt is not my e-mail address
    No-one cares what my definition of "is" is
    I will not scream for ice cream
    I am not a licensed hairstylist
    "The President did it" is not an excuse
    My mom is not dating Jerry Seinfeld
    Sherri does not "got back"
    I will not do the dirty bird
    No-one wants to hear about my sciatica
    Hillbillies are people too
    Grammar is not a time of waste
    I do not have diplomatic immunity
    It does not suck to be you
    I cannot absolve sins
    A trained ape could not teach gym
    Loose teeth don't need my help
    I have neither been there nor done that
    I'm so very tired
    Friday’s are not “pants optional”
    Pork is not a verb
    I am not the last Don
    I did not win the Nobel Fart Prize
    I won’t use not double-negatives
    I can’t see dead people
    I will not sell my kidney on eBay
    I will not create art from dung
    I will stop phoning it in
    Class clown in not a paid position
    Substitute teachers are not scabs
    My suspension was not “mutual”
    A belch is not an oral report
    Dodge ball stops at the gym door
    “Non-flammable” is not a challenge
    I was not touched “there” by an angel
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Mozza


    Apr 30, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: Bart Simpson Chalkboard Lines

    i will listen to hard trance!:D
  4. Damocles

    Damocles Registered User

    Mar 18, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Erm........ LOL

    As if i can be arsed to read all that.

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